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公司名称: 北京袁氏润达科技发展有限公司

主营产品: 车用润滑油、添加剂  工业用油、防冻液 

企业成立: 2015-03-16 员工规模: 100 - 599人

联系qq:   联系销售    

“ABP”前英国石油公司宿写(A former British Petroleum),史建于1908年,2014年ABP品牌引进中国,并在中国国家商标局成功注册,成为中国合法商标,2015年成立了ABP中国运营公司:北京袁氏润达科技发展有限公司。      
企业研发人员始终致力于最前沿的润滑油技术研究,与多家国际*企业有着密切的技术合作, 产品全部采用**品牌加氢基础油、(PAO)酯类油、进口添加剂精心调制而成,并配备*的润滑油检测分析仪器和公司特有的“纳米金刚石添加剂”生产技术,使“润滑油原有的滑动摩擦变为滚动摩擦” 该技术已达到国际*水平,这一突破性发展将为节能环保带来*的贡献。
ABP纳米金刚石润滑油在2016年荣获“交通运输部节能环保*推荐产品”,2017年公司与“BP Petroleum Group (China) Co., Limited ”译(BP石油集团(中国)有限公司)达成战略合作,此次合作的圆满成功为ABP品牌进军国际市场达下了坚实基础。
"ABP" before the British Petroleum Company (A former British Petroleum night writing, history) was founded in 1908, 2014 ABP brand i*oduction China, and successfully registered in the China national trademark office, trademark China become legal was established in 2015, ABP Chinese operating companies: Beijing yuan Shirun up Technology Development Co. ltd..
The company is located in Beijing, the capital of Beijing. It is China's political, cultural and economic center, with the le*g political ideas, the most abundant cultural background, the most advanced economic development strategy and convenient traffic conditions. Company production base is located in Beijing Fangshan District, covers an area of 40 acres, the annual output of up to 100 thousand tons, is the major oil companies a R & D, production, sales and service in one of the products involved, diesel vehicles, gasoline vehicles, engineering vehicles and various vehicles such as lubricating oil, mainly including gasoline engine oil, diesel engine the vehicle engine oil, gear oil, hydraulic oil, transmission oil, compressor oil, motorcycle oil, antifreeze, brake fluid, industrial oil, grease, car care products, is a large scale and lubri




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